Conflict – Seek Understanding

Mar 14, 2022 | Communication, SMART.remark


Conflict…there is no escaping it in the workplace. But conflict doesn’t have to be a negative, it can be an opportunity for learning and growth if handled well. “Research from Columbia University shows that how you handle conflict can make or break your career. The researchers measured something scientifically that many of us have seen firsthand–people who are too aggressive in conflict situations harm their performance by upsetting and alienating their peers, while people who are too passive at handling conflict hinder their ability to reach their goals.”

IMPACT players develop their conflict resolution skills so they can successfully navigate difficult conversations. One good place to start is to work to truly understand the motive or viewpoint
of the other person.  To do this, try asking good questions until you get to the heart of the matter.

“Instead of pointing out flaws, you should seek to understand where the other person is coming
from. Try asking good questions, such as: Why did you choose to do it that way? What do you mean by that? And can you help me to understand this better? Even when you don’t see eye to eye, using questions to get to the underlying motive builds trust and understanding, both of which are conflict killers.”

 To your success!

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